DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT THREE 34. 45 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK Perish the thought. NOG Changing the history of Earth could effect the entire galaxy. The Federation, Deep Space Nine, your bar... it could all cease to exist. QUARK (dismissive) Wouldn't that be a shame. (to Rom) Rom, hurry up with those translators. 46 EXT. ARMY/AIR CORPS BASE - DAY Re-establishing. 47 EXT. ARMY/AIR CORPS BASE - OUTSIDE THE BUILDING - DAY General Denning is having a smoke and talking to Professor Carlson and Captain Wainwright. Wainwright shows Denning a black and white photo of the shuttle. CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT The aliens' ship has a small control area in the front and rudimentary sleeping quarters in the back. So far, we can't even figure out what drives the engines, let alone how they work. As Wainwright is talking, the stray German Shepherd wanders up to the three men. Jeff bends down to scratch the dog behind the ear. PROFESSOR CARLSON Hey, how you doing, big fella. GENERAL DENNING You making any headway, Professor? PROFESSOR CARLSON It's fascinating. I would've expected creatures of their technological sophistication to communicate telepathically. But they seem to have a structured verbal language just like we do.