DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT THREE 32. 43 CONTINUED: ROM Now where's that reset button? Rom starts fishing around, trying to reset the translator with the pin. 44 CLOSE ON NURSE GARLAND AND PROFESSOR CARLSON Watching the Ferengis. Nurse Garland reacts to Rom shoving the now straight hairpin into Nog's ear. NURSE GARLAND Ouch. That looks like it hurts. PROFESSOR CARLSON (re: Nog) He doesn't seem to mind. As Professor Carlson and Nurse Garland reflect on the nature of the Ferengi, Professor Carlson lights up a pair of cigarettes and hands one to Nurse Garland. PROFESSOR CARLSON I wish I had some help. I don't know why we can't bring in a few more experts. NURSE GARLAND Let's face it, Jeff, when it comes to beings from another planet, we don't have any experts. (a beat) You'll find a way to communicate with them, darling. I know you will. (a beat) Imagine the possibilities... Who knows what they can teach us. A few years from now, mankind could have rocket ships of our own. We could travel the galaxy, exploring new worlds, new civilizations... PROFESSOR CARLSON (smiles) Always the dreamer. NURSE GARLAND That's why you love me.