217:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT ONE 18. 23 NEW ANGLE As Quark sits up in shock and looks around. He's sitting on a World War Two-era operating room table, a white sheet draped over his body. He's still dressed in his clothes, but all pins, metal buttons, and other ornaments have been removed. He looks around and sees Nog and Rom, lying on similar beds. They're unconscious. QUARK Rom? Nog? There's a mirror across the room which reflects Quark's face. But before Ouark (or the audience) can completely process this location, we... CUT TO: 24 INT. OBSERVATION ROOM Close on an unfiltered cigarette dangling from a man's mouth. The rest of the man's face is obscured in darkness. As we watch, the man, who we will come to know as CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT, lights the cigarette, takes a drag, and lifts a 1940's era phone to face. CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT (into phone) Get me General Denning. (a beat) Tell him one of the Martians is awake. And as Captain Wainwright puts down his lighter next to the rotary phone, we zoom in on a nearby calendar. 25 CLOSE ON THE CALENDAR Which displays a picture of Rita Hayworth and reads... "JULY 1947" Hold on these words for a beat, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE