DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - 09/19/95 - TEASER 6. 10 INT. FERENGI SHUTTLE This is a similar ship to the Nagus's personal shuttle. It's small, with barely enough room for three or four Ferengi. Rom pops his head out from inside a panel in the back. Quark is sitting in the pilot's seat, gleefully surveying his property. ROM Brother? At the sound of his brother's voice, Quark seems to deflate. QUARK All right. Tel1 me what's wrong with it. ROM Nothing. The ship is perfect. Gaila must've paid a fortune for it. QUARK You mean, it'll actually fly? ROM This ship could outrun a Romulan interceptor. We could take it halfway across the galaxy before it would even need a maintenance check. QUARK You don't say. Quark looks around at the ship. QUARK And it's all mine. I can go anyplace I want. ROM Maybe it's time you considered that early retirement we talked about. I could take over the bar, and you could fly off into the great unknown. (musing to himself) Never to return. (quick correction) Unless you wanted to. QUARK Don't get your hopes up. (a beat) The first thing we need to do is take this thing for a test flight.