DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - 09/19/95 - TEASER 3. 4 CONTINUED: (2) Which Kira and Worf both know is more than just a suggestion. They exchange a look, and then head for the table. 5 NEW ANGLE On Bashir and Dax, picking over the merchandise. BASHIR (holds up an isolinear rod) Nog, what's this? NOG My favorite holosuite program... "A Visit with the Pleasure Goddess of Rixx." Yours for a mere ten strips of latinum. DAX He'll take it. (to Bashir) Consider it a gift. BASHIR (smiles) You're too kind. 6 ANGLE ON KIRA As she picks up a springball racket off the bar. KIRA Nog? where did you get this springball racket? NOG (thinking fast) Out of a replicator? KIRA Try out of my quarters. This is mine. I've been looking for it for two years. Nog reacting like he's never seen it before. NOG (faux amazement) And it was sitting here on the bar all along. That's incredible. Nog makes a quick beeline to the other side of the bar.