DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - 09/19/95 - TEASER 2. 3 CONTINUED: ROM (Cont'd) And what better way to remember him than to purchase one of his very own personal belongings? (losing it) I don't know about you, but, I'm buying these pajamas. Rom picks up the pajamas and holds them up to his face as he weeps. NOG (to his father) That'll be three strips of latinum. ROM Two. NOG Sold. Rom, still holding Nog's pajamas to his face, pays his son for his purchase. NOG (to the crowd) Let the buying commence. No reasonable offer will be refused. And as the Crowd begins to check the merchandise.... 4 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN AND WORF Who hang back. Worf clearly isn't happy to be here. O'BRIEN Mister Worf, I didn't expect to see you here. WORF Captain Sisko made it a... personal request that I attend. He seems to have taken some interest in the young Ferengi. O'BRIEN The captain sponsored Nog's application to the Academy. WORF A Ferengi at the Academy. I am not sure that is wise.