DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT FOUR 50. INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM O'Brien is on the upper level repairing an open console. Muniz and Stevens are working their posts. Worf approaches them from behind. WORF I require your assistance. They're both startled by his sudden appearance behind him, and are expecting the worse. WORF I need a weapon... MUNIZ We still have one atmospheric probe. WORF If my plan is to work, the probe will not be available to use as a weapon. I need something else. STEVENS Phasers are out of the question, the emitters are completely fused. MUNIZ But the phaser generator is working fine... They consider for a beat... STEVENS (realizing) The Deflector Array. Muniz realizes what he's proposing, excitedly continues. MUNIZ With a few modifications, we could use it as a phaser emitter.