DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/19/95 - ACT TWO 29. 41 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE (VPB) Kira reacts as the scanner illuminates a BLIP. KIRA Sir, I have something. It's a Jem'Hadar ship. She deactivates the scanning pings so as not to give away their position. SISKO Just one? Kira nods an acknowledgement. WORF They must've split up to search for the Karemma. KIRA It's about seventy kilometers above us, on a roughly perpendicular course. Sisko addresses Carson at the helmas he works a panel. SISKO Helm, come about to course zero- seven-five mark four. Let's fall in behind them. CARSON Aye, sir. The deck cants as the ship swings around. The mood is tense... they're flying blind, and there's a Jem'Hadar ship nearby. Sisko stands in the center of the room as if gauging the SOUND of the wind outside. He's relying on instinct now... tactical experience, asking himself, "What would I do if I were the Jem'Hadar captain?" KIRA Do you think they've detected us?