DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 54A. 79 CONTINUED: ZIYAL (Cont'd) That you'd never let me go home. But I didn't believe them. Kira keeps steady aim at Dukat. KIRA Ziyal, run. But Ziyal makes no motion to leave. ZIYAL (to Dukat) I used to dream about you coming to save me. It's what kept me alive. DUKAT (anguished) Ziyal... ZIYAL If I can't be with you, I'd rather die. Dukat's aim waivers a little. There's a long beat, then Dukat slowly lowers his rifle. Ziyal slowly approaches her father and gently embraces him. 79A CLOSE ON DUKAT As he looks down at his daughter, suddenly grabs her by the arms and pushes her away to arms length. He looks at her for a long beat, then his face relaxes, his eyes soften, and he almost smiles. DUKAT (gently) Let's go home. Dukat draws Ziyal in and holds her close. 80 ANGLE ON KIRA Who finally relaxes. And off this moment... CUT TO: