23:[7,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 74 CONTINUED: KIRA (O.S.) Dukat, no. 75 NEW ANGLE To reveal Kira standing behind Dukat, also holding her rifle at the ready. 76 ANGLE ON ZIYAL Who looks from Kira to Dukat, trying to understand what's going on here. Dukat raises his gun and points it at Ziyal. ZIYAL Father, what's wrong? Kira raises her rifle and points it at Dukat. KIRA I'm warning you, Dukat. Don't do it. DUKAT I have no choice. KIRA There's always a choice. You don't want to do this. If you did, you never would've told me about Ziyal. (a beat) Now put the rifle down. 77 thru OMITTED 78 79 NEW ANGLE Dukat hesitates. He knows there's some truth to what Kira is saying, but he can't put the rifle down. DUKAT No. Ziyal now understands the situation. She looks crushed. ZIYAL The Cardassian prisoners... they told me this would happen.