DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FOUR 48. 59 CONTINUED: DUKAT The Breen? What are they doing here? KIRA My tricorder's picking up a large concentration of dilithium in this area. They must be using the survivors from the Ravinok to mine the ore. DUKAT It makes perfect sense. The Breen homeworld is a frozen wasteland. This place is about fifty degrees too hot for them. KIRA Are you saying you approve of what they're doing? DUKAT Not at all. But I admire their ingenuity. Dukat continues scanning the area with the binoculars. Suddenly, his whole body stiffens. Kira notices. KIRA What is it? But Dukat doesn't answer, so Kira reaches out and pulls the binoculars out of his hand. She looks through them. 60 KIRA'S P.O.V. - THROUGH THE BINOCULARS (OPTICAL) As Kira watches, a teenage girl with mixed Cardassian/Bajoran features walks toward the mineshaft. She's carrying a water jug of some kind. She stops and allows a Bajoran worker to get some water from the container. It's TORA ZIYAL. KIRA (O.S.) It's her. 61 NEW ANGLE On Kira, as she looks over at Dukat, whose eyes are fixed on the girl. DUKAT (grim) My daughter.