DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FOUR 47. 55 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO You talked to Nog about my relationship with Kasidy? JAKE And we think you have nothing to worry about. If Kasidy wants to change jobs, that's her decision, not yours. Same thing if she wants to live on the station. If things don't work out, they don't work out. SISKO Have you told any of this to Kasidy? JAKE Nog and I thought about it. But we decided it would be better if you told her yourself. Jake looks at his father, having said all he has to say on the subject. JAKE (after a beat) So, what's new with you? Jake looks up at his father expectantly. And as Sisko looks thoughtfully at his son... 56 EXT. DOZARIA MOUNTAINS - DAY Kira and Dukat scramble up to the top of a rocky cliff. Kira reaches the top first, takes cover, and gestures for Dukat to follow. 57 CLOSE ON DUKAT As he hides behind an outcropping of rock. Kira unlimbers a twenty-fourth century pair of binoculars, and looks at something beyond the rocks. After a beat, she hands the binoculars to Dukat. KIRA Take a look. Dukat takes the binoculars and looks over the ridge.