DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT THREE 35. 41 CONTINUED: (3) KIRA Standard Cardassian military codes from six years ago, right? Dukat nods. KIRA (without malice) I got them from Bajoran intelligence before we left. Dukat gives a slightly amused smile then turns to his grim work. Kira moves towards the largest section of hull. Dukat drops to one knee and begins unpiling stones from a cairn. 42 EXT. RAVINOK HULL Part of the interior is exposed. Sand covers the floor and coats the delicate computer systems and controls. Kira is covered with grit and dust and has several panels open. From the look of things, she's been at this for a while. Suddenly as she reattaches a cable to the system, lights come on in the panels and the computer reactivates. 43 EXT. CRASH SITE (LOCATION) - BY THE GRAVES - DAY Dukat is at the gravesite. He's disinterred several graves and is continuing his grim work. He takes a final rock off the top of a grave, reaches inside, and takes out a Bajoran earring. He looks at the earring then reacts as if he's been kicked in the chest. He reaches back into the cairn and slowly brings into the light... 44 A BAJORAN BRACELET Similar to the one we saw in "Fascination," made of precious metal and glittering blue stones.