11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT THREE 30. ACT THREE FADE IN: 36 INT. QUARK'S - SECOND LEVEL Sisko, Dax and BASHIR as seated at a table on the second level. Sisko's been doing a postgame analysis with the guys. DAX "It's a big step." That's all you said? SISKO That's all. From his attitude, it's easy to see that Sisko thinks he's more sinned-against than sinner. BASHIR You're sure? SISKO Positive. The two experts confer. DAX What do you think, Julian? Bashir shakes his head. In his mind, Sisko definitely made a mistake. BASHIR It's ambiguous. Definitely open to interpretation. (trying to put things in a positive light) But it could've been worse. He could've said, "It's a very big step." DAX (to Sisko, concerned) You didn't say that, did you? Now Sisko's beginning to realize that he may have had some culpability after all. SISKO I don't think so.