DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 18A. 19 CONTINUED: DUKAT The Ravinok was under my general command. Those were my troops and it's my duty to try to find them. (a beat) The question is... what are you doing here? Kira hesitates a beat, but then figures that Dukat answered her question, and she owes him an answer to his. KIRA I knew someone aboard the Ravinok. DUKAT One of the prisoners, I assume? KIRA (nods) Lorit Akrem. DUKAT I see. So you're on this mission for personal reasons. KIRA Something wrong with that? DUKAT Not at all. I've found when one is trying to do a difficult job, personal reasons can be quite an incentive. (a beat) So who was he? A family member, a compatriot... a lover? KIRA Lorit recruited me into the Shakaar Resistance Cell. Dukat smiles. DUKAT (musing) Ah... the infamous Shakaar Resistance. We never could eliminate that little group of yours. And it wasn't from lack of trying, I assure you. Dukat looks at Kira for a beat, and then...