DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT FIVE 61. (57 CONTINUED: (2) The full realization of what Jake's done dawns on Sisko... SISKO (anguished) Jake... you didn't have to do this... not for me... OLD JAKE For you... and for the boy that I was... he needs you more than you know... Jake smiles, reaches to reassure his father... OLD JAKE Don't you see? We're going to get a second chance... He seizes up, and it chokes the breath out of him... Sisko gathers his son's frail body in his arms... holds him, helpless... SISKO (softly) Jake... my sweet boy... And a moment later... Jake dies... a faint smile on his lips... 58 CLOSE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) (DISTANT FUTURE) as he looks down at Jake's still features... a moment, then Sisko's face starts to FLICKER... CUT TO: 59 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINEERING (PRESENT) The moment of the accident... 60 CLOSE ON SISKO as he realizes he's handing the interphasic compensator back to Jake... 61 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Sisko springs into motion... diving to one side and tackling Jake to the floor...