98:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/08/95 ACT FOUR 41. 40 CONTINUED: SISKO Do I... (smiles) -- have any grandchildren? ADULT JAKE (smiles) Not yet. KORENA We were married in New Orleans, in your father's restaurant. This brings a smile to Sisko's face. ADULT JAKE He insisted. Just about everyone came. Dax, Kira, O'Brien... SISKO That must've been something... A quiet moment hangs in the air, as heavy as all the years Sisko's missed. Suddenly Jake makes as if to stand. ADULT JAKE I'm going to call Starfleet, see what's taking so long. SISKO (stopping him) Jake. They'll get here as soon as they can. Talk to me. I've missed so much. Let's not waste what little time we have. Jake nods, but he can't think of where to begin... so much has happened. Korena sees his distress and reaches to get copies of Jake's two books off a nearby table. KORENA I have a feeling you might want to see these... they're Jake's. Sisko takes them, smiles with pride. He's pleased, but at the same time he's struck by the years represented in the two volumes, years he missed. SISKO You did it. I always knew you would...