205:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT THREE 36. 35 CONTINUED: (2) They share a smile... then Jake broaches what he knows might be a sensitive subject for all of them. ADULT JAKE Last time we talked you mentioned you might be heading to the Bajoran Sector. Nog nods, almost reluctant to go into it. ADULT NOG The Klingons agreed to let Starfleet send an expedition through the wormhole... they said it was in the spirit of scientific exchange, but I think they were happy to have us test the waters in the Gamma Quadrant after all these years -- find out how the Dominion would react to ships coming through. But Jake has a more personal question he wants answered. ADULT JAKE Did you see the station? ADULT NOG (somber) I'm sorry to say it's looking a little run down these days. Korena returns and starts pouring the champagne. ADULT NOG (brightening) But you'll never guess who's still there. ADULT JAKE Not... your father? ADULT NOG No, he and my Uncle left years ago. Quark finally got that little moon he was always talking about, and my father, as usual, is making sure it doesn't fall out of orbit... But Morn is still there... running the bar.