DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT TWO 28. 26 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR Chief, I need that containment field now... O'Brien works the console: a shimmering CONTAINMENT FIELD FRITZES ON for a beat around Sisko's biobed. O'BRIEN Field active... Jake looks on in horror as Sisko's body continues to FLICKER and FADE. Sisko looks toward him, desperate to see something in his son's features that might help him live with what's happening... SISKO Jake... BASHIR It's not working, Chief... Jake tries to step toward his father but Dax holds him back... JAKE Dad... O'BRIEN I'm going to try locking onto him with the transporter... He works the controls and the field FRITZES off... JAKE Don't leave me... But Sisko is powerless to stop what's happening to him... Jake manages to pull free from Dax, but by the time he reaches the biobed Sisko has completely DEMATERIALIZED... Off his anguished face as he looks down at the now empty bed... DISSOLVE TO: