DEEP - SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - ACT ONE 18. 17 CONTINUED: JAKE I don't know if I really want to try it again... Nog knows what his friend is going through, but he has no idea what he can do to help... NOG You know, Jake... I'm going to be gone soon... we probably won't see each other for a while. JAKE I know... Talking about these kinds of things doesn't come easy for Nog, but he does his best. NOG So... what are your plans? JAKE I was thinking about taking that deferred admission and going to Pennington in the fall... NOG (excited) That'd be great. We'd both be on Earth. But Jake's ambivalence soon punctures Nog's enthusiasm. JAKE But maybe I'll just stick around here... I haven't decided yet. Nog's face falters with disappointment... he feels powerless to help his friend. They come to an intersection in the corridor... JAKE It's late... I think I'll turn in... NOG Okay... Off Nog's features as he watches Jake move off down the corridor...