DEEP-SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/10/95 - ACT ONE 14. 14 CONTINUED: WORF is standing in front of the table, speaking to the crowd, remembering Sisko. As Jake's V.O. continues, the CAMERA PANS past the faces of Dax, O'BRIEN, KIRA, ODO, BASHIR, QUARK and NOG, then comes to REST on Jake's still features... OLD JAKE (V.O.) People came forward and talked about my father, what they remembered most about him... why they would miss him... We see Kira turn and glance at Jake, as if checking to see how he's holding up... she steps forward to speak. OLD JAKE (V.O.) I didn't step forward... I couldn't... I felt that no matter what I said about him, I'd be leaving so much more out... and that didn't seem right... 15 INT. SISKO'S QUARTERS (PRESENT) Jake lies on the couch, his head in Dax's lap, as she gently strokes his hair... trying to coax him to sleep, she stares off into the distance, thinking about the man they both lost... OLD JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) Everyone went out of their way to look after me, especially Dax. She was my father's closest friend, and I guess she felt responsible for me. (beat) After a few months... 16 INT. QUARK'S (PRESENT) The dabo tables are in full swing, the bar is crowded. OLD JAKE (V.O.) (continuing) ... things started returning to normal... for everyone else, that is...