DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 TEASER 5. 2 CONTINUED: (5) MELANIE (Cont'd) I'd finally found someone whose writing I really admired, and he'd only published two books. Jake smiles wryly. OLD JAKE Not much to show for a life's work, is it? I'm going to get us some tea. MELANIE I savored those stories, read them slowly, one each day. And when I was finished, I wished I hadn't read them at all. Jake looks at her quizzically. Melanie realizes how that must have sounded and quickly explains herself. MELANIE So that I could read them again... like it was the first time. Jake smiles, nods that he understands. As he sits down with the tray... OLD JAKE There's only one "first time" for everything, isn't there? (considers) And only one last time, too. You think about that when you get to be my age. That today might be the last time you... sit in a favorite chair... watch the rain fall... enjoy a cup of tea. Melanie looks at him, then cautiously asks the question that brought her here. MELANIE (softly) Can I ask you something... ? He nods that she go ahead... MELANIE Why did you stop writing? He looks at her for a moment.