DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/22/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: He turns away, moves to a nearby table, and picks up an advanced looking HYPOSPRAY. Very deliberately, he reaches up and injects himself in the neck. He sets the hypospray down, moves to take a seat in a nearby armchair. But he's interrupted by a door CHIME. Surprised, he glances at the clock to check the time -- it's around 9:00 PM. He walks toward the door and looks through its window to see who's outside. It's a young human woman in her twenties, MELANIE. She might best be described as "bookish"; she's carrying a shoulder bag, and her clothes and hair are wet from the rain. She's standing on the doorstep with an expectant and somewhat nervous look on her face. Old Jake studies her for a beat, then opens the door. When she sees him, her eyes go wide, as if she's just laid eyes on a celebrity of some sort. OLD JAKE May I help you? You might as well come in. She does her best to swallow back her nervousness. MELANIE I'm sorry to bother you, it's just that... (at a loss) I... I've been... Jake notices a small scrape on her forehead. OLD JAKE (with concern) You're hurt. She reaches up to touch her forehead. MELANIE I must've scraped myself on a branch. OLD JAKE (gently chiding) That's what happens when you go tromping around the bayous in the middle of the night. She nods and smiles; more than grateful, she seems thrilled at being invited inside.