12:[5,#b],19:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/04/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Visitor" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. JAKE SISKO'S HOUSE - NIGHT (DISTANT FUTURE) It is the early twenty-fifth century, some seventy years later than the time our series ordinarily takes place. The house is isolated, set off in swampy Louisiana bayou country. It's a two-story modern design that harks back to Southern architectural traditions; it has a cluttered feel, stacks of BOOKS and papers -- the home of a man who lives alone... There's a writing DESK against one wall, an antique grandfather CLOCK with a pendulum that clicks quietly, a pair of comfortable armchairs around a low table, a fireplace with a mantle. On the walls are hung several PAINTINGS: mostly impressionistic landscapes, some depicting the surrounding bayous. RAIN beats softly against the windows, and occasionally distant lightning can be seen through them. 2 CLOSE ON JAKE SISKO now in his SEVENTIES, healthy and fit for a man his age. He looks around the room, taking in his surroundings with a pensive look. He approaches the mantle, begins to study the objects propped there, his hands moving somewhat unsteadily to touch each in turn. We recognize some of them as Benjamin Sisko's personal effects: the clock from his office, a YORUBA MASK; a scuffed BASEBALL on a pedestal; a BLUEPRINT of an ancient Bajoran spacecraft with solar sails and, next to it, a framed PHOTO showing a seventeen-year-old Jake and his father. A small smile plays on Old Jake's features as he takes in these artifacts of his life... a smile that is at once melancholy and yet somehow hopeful.