DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT FIVE 46. 49 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir stares at the wreckage a moment, stunned, then turns on O'Brien, just as Goran'Agar SHIMMERS into the room. He knocks O'Brien back, sending the gun skidding across the floor. Goran'Agar sees the damage... his face falls. There's a long silent beat before Goran'Agar turns to O'Brien. GORAN'AGAR You did this. O'BRIEN That's right. Goran'Agar looks at the destroyed work with a mixture of anger and sadness. He lifts his weapon and points it at the two Starfleet officers. GORAN'AGAR Outside. Both of you. BASHIR What are you... ? GORAN'AGAR (quiet, cold) No discussion. Move. Goran'Agar clearly means business. O'Brien and Bashir do as they're told and everyone EXITS the tent. CUT TO: 50 EXT. JUNGLE - TRAIL/RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Goran'Agar marches them through the jungle at gunpoint. Bashir tries to talk to him, but Goran'Agar prods him to keep him moving. BASHIR There still might be a way. If I had another sample of your blood...