DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 35. 37 RESUME SCENE (OPTICAL) ARAK'TARAL You don't like helping us. O'Brien looks him right in the eye. O'BRIEN No. I don't. ARAK'TARAL Good. I don't like it either. O'BRIEN I'm glad we understand each other. The two men stare at each other for a moment, then O'Brien turns back to the work at hand. He begins pulling a briefcase-sized UNIT out of the floor. Arak'Taral tenses and trains his weapon on O'Brien. ARAK'TARAL Slowly. O'Brien obeys and slowly pulls the unit out of the floor. ARAK'TARAL Let go of it. Everything happens quickly: -- O'Brien lets go and drops his hands, letting one hand fall on an OPTICAL CABLE near the open floor panel. -- Arak'Taral carefully bends down and examines the unit without touching it. -- O'Brien waits for the proper moment, then quickly JAMS the cable into a POWER JUNCTION. -- The console near Arak'Taral EXPLODES in a spray of sparks and smoke. Arak'Taral whirls instinctively toward the explosion, weapon ready. -- O'Brien DIVES for the Transporter pad. -- Arak'Taral recovers and FIRES his weapon at O'Brien. -- Jem'Hadar #4 ENTERS, weapon at the ready. -- O'Brien hits the pad and DEMATERIALIZES, with ENERGY BOLTS from Arak'Taral's weapon barely missing him. Then he's gone.