DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - 07/28/95 - ACT THREE 34. 31 CONTINUED: (4) O'Brien holds his eyes for long moment, but O'Brien's spent too long in uniform to disobey a direct order. O'BRIEN (stiff) Yes, sir. Off the moment as the two friends find themselves on opposite sides ... CUT TO: 32 EXT. JUNGLE - RUNABOUT - NIGHT Arak'Taral and Jem'Hadar #4 lead O'Brien out of the jungle, to the Runabout. Jem'Hadar #4 remains just outside the doorl as Arak'Taral takes O'Brien inside. 33 INT. RUNABOUT - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS) O'Brien goes to a panel on the floor, near the transporter pad, and pulls the panel open. He picks up a tricorder and begins working with the wires and circuits inside the panel, checking the readings on the tricorder. Arak'Taral stands watch over him. ARAK'TARAL How long will this take? O'BRIEN A few minutes. O'Brien begins working. Arak'Taral satisfies himself that everything is secure for the moment and then considers O'Brien as he works. ARAK'TARAL Your escape plan was flawed. O'Brien glances at Arak'Taral, but he's not too interested in chatting with this guy. O'BRIEN Obviously. I got caught. ARAK'TARAL Even if you had killed the guard, you would've never reached the runabout. O'BRIEN I guess we'll never know.