167:[6,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT THREE 32. 31 CONTINUED: BASHIR He's beginning to question everything he's been taught: blind obedience to the Founders, killing without remorse, the devaluation of other sentient lifeforms. He's developing his own moral structure. It's incredible. O'BRIEN Or at least that's what he wants you to believe. (off his look) Think about it, Julian. What did he say to you? "Federation doctors are trained to feel compassion and sympathy?" He's manipulating you so you'll work harder and stop trying to escape. BASHIR What about sparing the life of that wounded Jem'Hadar? I saw the look on their faces... they were shocked at his behavior. I'm telling you, he's changing. O'BRIEN Okay. Let's say you're right and he's starting to turn into a nice guy. What are you getting at? BASHIR I think we should cooperate with him. Try to help him in what he's doing. O'BRIEN (shocked) What? BASHIR (passionate) What makes Goran'Agar different from the others? He's not addicted to the drug. If we can get the rest of the Jem'Hadar off the drug, they may go through a similar change. And if the Jem'Hadar began to think for themselves, the Founders could suddenly have no army to carry out their orders.