DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" -REV. 08/01/95 - ACT THREE 30. 29 CONTINUED: He heads off in a different direction, with new determination. CUT TO: 30 EXT. LAB AREA - DAY Bashir is scanning Goran'Agar with a small device and comparing the results with those on a PADD. BASHIR Remarkable. Your body is producing the exact amount of Ketracel-white you need to survive. But I can't find where it's coming from... there don't appear to be any glands or cell clusters producing the enzyme. He shakes his head in amazement at his readings. BASHIR (continuing) Of course, your entire metabolism almost defies belief. The growth rate of Jem'Hadar children is extraordinary. GORAN'AGAR You've seen our children? BASHIR We found a newborn on the station once. He was fully grown in three days. Goran'Agar lets out a sound which might be a laugh. GORAN'AGAR I would have liked to see a group of humans try to control a Jem'Hadar child. BASHIR We couldn't. All he wanted to do was fight and kill. If it weren't for Odo, I'm not sure what we would've done. The mention of Odo's name seems to spark something in Goran'Agar and we see a different side of his personality. He seems hesitant for the first time... almost nervous to be even discussing this subject.