DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic oath"-REV. 08/08/95 - ACT THREE 26. 21 CONTINUED: (2) TEMO'ZUMA This has nothing to do with you, Human. MESO'CLAN When I am dead, there will be more White for the rest of the men. GORAN'AGAR (softly) No. (to Temo'Zuma) Take him back to our ship. Temo'Zuma and Meso'Clan are shocked. MESO'CLAN You know the rule: If the death of one will make the rest stronger, then he dies. But now Goran'Agar is sure he's doing the right thing. GORAN'AGAR We came here to be free of the Vorta. It's time to stop living by their rules. (to Temo'Zuma) Make him... comfortable. Temo'Zuma and Meso'Clan exchange a look -- neither of them knows quite how to react. But obedience is the key to the Jem'Hadar and Temo'Zuma finally puts his weapon away and then bends down to help the wounded man to his feet. The two of them EXIT together. There's a long silent moment as Bashir looks at Goran'Agar thoughtfully, wondering how and why he's different from the other Jem'Hadar. Goran'Agar finally feels Bashir's eyes on him and he turns around.