13:[2,#b],167:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT THREE 25. ACT THREE FADE IN: 21 EXT. LAB AREA - NIGHT Continuous from Act Two. Arak'Taral is on the verge of killing O'Brien. Goran'Agar moves quickly across the lab and stands very close to Arak'Taral. His voice is low, but laced with steel. GORAN'AGAR (quiet) Let him go. You know the penalty for disobedience. A beat, and then Arak'Taral DROPS O'Brien to the ground. Bashir rushes over to O'Brien and checks his throat, while Temo'Zuma ENTERS in the b.g. with his weapon at the ready. Once he sees that everything is under control, he bends down to check on the wounded Meso'Clan. As all this is happening... BASHIR Bruised trachea... but there's no permanent damage. O'Brien coughs and chokes, unable even to make a response. Goran'Agar faces Arak'Taral, who now has dropped his eyes in a mixture of shame and anger. GORAN'AGAR (re: O'Brien) Return him to the holding cell. Arak'Taral almost hesitates to obey this command before roughly grabbing O'Brien and dragging him out.