DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - ACT TWO 20. 19 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir and O'Brien keep their voices calm and steady, but there's a hidden meaning just below the surface -- they're not talking about scanners here. O'BRIEN About thirty minutes. I'm having a little trouble with the transtater interface. (beat) Maybe you should take a look... sir. Bashir casually crosses over to O'Brien and pretends to examine the device O'Brien's working on. They take pains to bend over and block the view of the Guard so he can't see what they're doing or hear them. O'BRIEN (sotto) The plasma charge should have an effective range of about fifteen meters. BASHIR (sotto) That's pretty close. O'BRIEN (sotto) It'll be enough to take care of the guard. Once he's down, I'll get his weapon and then we run like hell for the runabout. Bashir glances back at the Guard watching them both. Bashir makes a show of inspecting the device and then giving his approval for the benefit of the Guard. BASHIR (normal voice) Good work, Chief. If you keep this up, you may make a fine officer some day. Bashir smiles pleasantly and O'Brien is forced to smile back. O'BRIEN Thank you... lieutenant. Coming from you that means a lot. BASHIR I know.