DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 08/07/95 - ACT TWO 16. 16 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR No supply tube ... (beat) I don't understand... your entire genetic structure was designed to collapse without Ketracel. (beat) Why did you stop taking the drug? GORAN'AGAR It was not by choice. Three years ago, I was on a ship that crashed on this world. The rest of the crew died and I was left with only enough White to sustain me for three days. I rationed my supply, and managed to stretch out the drug for eight days... then it was gone, and I was ready to die. (beat) But death never came. I lived here for thirty-five days without a single drop of White. Being here, on this planet cured me. BASHIR And that's why you've returned here... to cure the rest of your men of their addiction as well. (beat) But it hasn't worked, has it? They still need the drug. A flash of intense frustration passes over Goran'Agar's face. GORAN'AGAR We have come to the same place, breathed the same air, eaten the same food. It should have cured them as well. BASHIR That may be over simplifying the situation... (MORE)