156:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 3. 3 CONTINUED: (2) WORF If he's a known criminal, why doesn't your security chief do something about him? KIRA Odo keeps him in check. Worf looks back at Quark. 4 AT THE BAR Quark is talking intently with the Shady Alien. WORF But not in prison. 5 EXT. SPACE - RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) The Runabout is at warp. BASHIR (V.O.) Medical Officer's Log: Stardate 49066.5 Chief O'Brien and I have concluded our bio-survey of Merik Three in the Gamma Quadrant. 6 INT. RUNABOUT BASHIR is getting a cup of tea out of the replicator. He crosses back to the cockpit area and we see O'BRIEN sitting in the pilot seat. Mid-conversation. BASHIR (V.O.) (continuing) We are on course back to the wormhole and should arrive at the station two days ahead of schedule. O'BRIEN Keiko's only on the station a few days at a time. I'm the one living in those quarters, and if I want to set up a little workshop in the bedroom... BASHIR You set up a workshop in the bedroom? O'BRIEN I don't use it when she's visiting.