12:[5,#b],19:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Hippocratic Oath" - REV. 07/31/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Hippocratic Oath" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S WORF sits alone at a table. He looks back and forth between the PADD in his hand, and a SHADY ALIEN at the end of the bar. 2 ON THE PADD A grim mugshot which might be the Alien on a really bad day. 3 AT THE TABLE Worf examines the picture again, almost certain it's a match. QUARK comes up behind him, about to deliver Worf's drink. He pauses to peek over Worf's shoulder at the PADD. Quark also begins looking back and forth, comparing. QUARK That is the worst mugshot I've ever seen. Worf reacts, surprised and repelled to find Quark so close. He puts the PADD face down on the table, hiding it from Quark's view. QUARK I've never understood why law enforcement agencies don't keep better visual records. You'd think they'd be concerned about little things like making an accurate identification. WORF This picture is accurate enough to establish that your... customer is Regana Tosh, who is known to be associated with a Markalian smuggling operation. Worf gives him a pointed look, implying that Quark should care about this fact. But Quark just shrugs it off.