DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/18/95 - ACT EIGHT 101. 141 CONTINUED: KIRA They're still closing. SISKO Ready phasers. WORF Standing by. SISKO Fire. 142 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The station unleashes a massive concentration of phaser fire, which rips into the already heavily damaged Klingon fleet. This is a display of firepower that far exceeds the capabilities of any starship. Deep Space Nine is the first line of Federation defense, and it's been armed for bear. 143 INT. OPS 143 As everyone reacts to the destruction. KIRA Eight Klingon ships destroyed. Several heavily damaged. The station shakes again as it is attacked by the next wave of Klingon ships. SISKO Contact Gowron. Maybe we can put an end to this before it goes any farther. DAX (works) They're not responding. The station is rocked again, this time even harder. WORF They've given you your answer, Captain. Sisko sees that Gowron is not going to give up so easily.