12:[2,#b],150:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT EIGHT 100. ACT EIGHT FADE IN: 138 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) The Klingon fleet sweeps down on DS-Nine. We follow a cluster of ships as they rake the station with their disruptors. 139 INT. OPS The station rocks from the force of the Klingon weapons. We hold on Sisko for a beat. He was hoping it wouldn't come to this. SISKO Target the lead ships. Ready even- numbered photon launchers. 139A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) A series of quick cuts showing the weapons arrays deploying all over the station. 139B INT. OPS as before. SISKO Fire on my mark. (a beat) Fire. Worf, Kira and other N.D.s work controls around the Ops table and Worf's station. 140 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As the lead ships continue to strafe the station, suddenly Deep Space Nine opens fire. Sisko wasn't bluffing. O'Brien and his crews have been busy over the past three years. When we came here, DS- Nine may have been a defenseless hull, but it's not that way anymore. From weapon arrays situated all around the station, swarms of photon torpedoes lash out at the Klingon ships, finding their targets with deadly accuracy.