79:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT SEVEN 97. 134 CONTINUED: DAX (off readouts) We're receiving a transmission from General Martok. SISKO Put him through. 135 INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Which shows Martok on the bridge of his ship. MARTOK (on Viewscreen) Captain, I demand you surrender the Cardassian council members to us immediately. SISKO They're not Founders, Martok. We tested them. You were wrong. Martok looks a little taken aback, but before he can respond Gowron steps forward from the shadowy interior of the Klingon bridge. GOWRON (on viewscreen) It is of no consequence. All that matters is that the Alpha Quadrant will be safer with the Klingon Empire in control of Cardassia. (a beat) Now surrender the council members or we will have no choice but to take them by force. SISKO And risk an all-out war with the Federation? GOWRON If a war starts here, the blame will be yours. SISKO I doubt very much if history will agree. GOWRON History is written by the victors.