DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/18/95 - ACT SIX 89. 117 CONTINUED: DUKAT I'd suggest you cloak immediately. WORF We lost our cloaking device rescuing you. Dukat looks back at the pursuing Klingon ships on the viewscreen. DUKAT (wryly) Can this ship go any faster? SISKO Not unless you want to get out and push. 118 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 118A INT. QUARK'S Garak ENTERS Quark's and looks around. The bar is subdued and much emptier than usual. Many of the civilians have evacuated, and the ones that are left aren't in Quark's. Basically the only people in the bar are off-duty Bajoran and Starfleet officers. They're doing more talking than drinking, and no one is playing dabo or any of the other games. Quark is at the bar, looking miserable. Garak approaches him. GARAK (to Quark) Might I trouble you for a glass of kanar? Quark reaches under the counter and pulls out a bottle of the Cardassian beverage. He sets it in front of Garak. QUARK Help yourself. It's on the house. GARAK That's uncharacteristically generous of you.