DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/14/95 - ACT SIX 86. 110 CONTINUED: The ship shakes from yet another weapons strike. DUKAT (to com) We need at least another minute. 1ll INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As the ship rocks yet again. SISKO Looks like we're going to find out just how much of a pounding this ship can take. WORF The Klingons have closed to point- blank range. Suddenly, the Defiant is hit again. This is the most violent hit of all. Several N.D. crewmembers are knocked to the deck. Various systems on the bridge spark. DAX Ablative armor has failed. We've got plasma leaks on decks two, three and five, and we've lost our aft torpedo launchers. DUKAT'S COM VOICE Dukat to Sisko. SISKO (to com) Go ahead. 112 INT. DEFIANT - TRANSPORTER BAY Dukat supervises as security officers escort the council members away from the transporter pad. DUKAT The council members are aboard. 113 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE That's what Sisko's been waiting to hear. SISKO (to Dax) Raise shields. Activate the cloak.