DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/10/95 - ACT SIX 85. 107 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As before. DAX You were right, Mister Worf. The modulated tractor beam's deflecting some of the Klingon disruptor fire. WORF (confirming) Disruptor's effectiveness at fifty percent. This is what Sisko's been waiting for. SISKO Well done, Mister Worf. (to Dax) Lower shields. (to com) Sisko to Transporter Bay. Begin emergency transports. FEMALE COM VOICE Transports underway. The ship shakes violently. DAX The ablative armor is holding. There's another hit. WORF Klingon ships are closing. Armor on the port side is losing integrity. The ship rocks again. SISKO (to com) Transporter Bay, what's our status? CUT TO: