DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 08/01/95 - ACT FIVE 79. 94 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As Sisko returns to his station. Dax gives up the Captain's Chair and takes the helm. Worf and Bashir are also present. SISKO What's our status? DAX We're approaching the rendezvous point. WORF (reacts to readouts) Sir, I'm detecting weapons fire ahead. There appear to be three Birds-of-Prey attacking a Cardassian vessel. The ship is badly damaged. DAX Captain, I'm picking up a distress signal from Dukat. Audio only. SISKO Put it through. Dax complies. The signal is badly distorted, but audible. DUKAT'S COM VOICE This is Gul Dukat of the cruiser Prakesh. We're under heavy fire. Our shields are failing. I don't know how much longer we can hold out. Send reinforcements immediately. I repeat, this is ... DAX We're in visual range. SISKO On screen. Maximum magnification. 95 INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Which shows a Klingon bird of prey swooping in on Dukat's ship and raking it with disruptor fire. WORF Orders, Captain?