DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/10/95 - ACT FIVE 76. 90 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Some time has passed. Suddenly Worf sees something on his console. WORF Captain, I'm detecting some debris, bearing zero two five mark three one nine. SISKO Commander, drop to one quarter impulse. DAX Aye, Captain. WORF It appears to be wreckage from a number of Cardassian vessels. SISKO On screen. 91 EXT. NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) The forward viewer displays the drifting wreckage of three Cardassian Galor class warships. 92 NEW ANGLE As the crew reacts to the sight. BASHIR Any signs of survivors? DAX (doubtful) I suppose it's possible, but there's no way to know without decloaking and using our primary sensor array. Something's worrying Worf, and he speaks up. WORF Sir, I strongly recommend against that. (off reactions) It is likely there are cloaked Klingon warships in the vicinity, lying in wait.