DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT FIVE 75. 87 CONTINUED: (2) Bashir smiles. He knows they haven't got much choice. BASHIR Well, I won't tell the Romulans if you don't. 88 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 89 INT. OPS Kira and O'Brien are at work on a new station near Engineering. (This will eventually be Worf's Station.) O'Brien's double checking the systems. O'BRIEN I never thought I'd say this, but right now I'm glad the Dominion's around. Otherwise we never would've started these upgrades, let alone have them finished by now. KIRA There's something to be said for incentive. O'BRIEN I just hope everything works. KIRA You're saying you're not sure? O'BRIEN The way I see it, there are two possibilities. Either everything'll be fine... O'Brien reaches into the panel to tweak a control. KIRA Or? O'BRIEN (throwaway) Or we'll end up blowing the station to pieces. KIRA Let's hope we don't have to find out.