DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 08/01/95 - ACT FIVE 67. 80 CONTINUED: (3) O'BRIEN I don't know. I think I liked it better when it was quiet. Quark's not about to let O'Brien bring him down. QUARK You want quiet, go to the Replimat. This is Quark's the way Quark's should be. The way it was meant to be. (a beat) Am I glad we finally got rid of all those Klingons. Worf bristles. QUARK Present company excepted, of course. But Worf doesn't even bother replying. He just gets up and walks away. O'BRIEN (to Quark) I got to hand it to you, Quark You really know how to make your customers feel welcome. O'Brien also gets up and walks away, leaving Quark alone. Quark thinks it over for a beat, then shrugs. QUARK (re: Worf) Ah, what do I care? All he ever drinks is prune juice. 81 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Worf and Sisko are in mid-conversation, Worf having just revealed his decision to resign. Sisko studies Worf for a beat, then... SISKO I'm sorry Mister Worf, but I can't accept your resignation at this time. This isn't what Worf was expecting. In his mind, he's screwed up and he thought Sisko would be eager to get rid of him.