12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT FIVE 62. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 77 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (CONTINUOUS) Gowron waits for Worf's response to his offer. Worf wants to go, to redeem himself in the eyes of his people, but in the end, he knows he can't. GOWRON Worf, why do you stand there like a mute d'blok. I have offered you a chance for glory. All you have to do is take it. Worf knows what his decision has to be. WORF If there is glory to be won, it will have to be yours alone. I... cannot come with you, Gowron. Gowron is taken aback. He didn't expect this. GOWRON Of course you can. It is where you belong. WORF I cannot abandon my post. GOWRON You no longer have a post. You have no place on that station, and no business wearing that uniform. WORF I have sworn an oath of allegiance-- GOWRON (cuts him off, with contempt) To the Federation. Worf can't believe what Gowron is asking of him. WORF You would have me break my word? Gowron is every bit as surprised by the direction of this conversation as Worf. These are two men who considered themselves friends realizing that they have completely incompatible points of view.