DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 08/01/95 - ACT THREE 47A. 62 CONTINUED: (2) Huraga's smile broadens. Hold on Worf, waiting patiently. He knows Huraga will talk and he doesn't want to ruin it by forcing the issue. 62A EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) As before. 62B INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Worf is standing at the railing, looking over the crowd below. A group of Klingons troop by. ODO (O.S.) It all seems simpler from up here, doesn't it? Worf turns and sees that Odo has joined him at the railing. WORF If you're looking to start a conversation, look somewhere else. I'd prefer to be left alone. ODO That may be. But you can't stay up here forever. Sooner or later you're going to have to talk to Captain Sisko. Whatever it is you've found out about the Klingons, he should be the first to know. This gets a reaction out of Worf. Odo's obviously been keeping tabs on him. WORF (angry) You have been spying on me. But Odo's not about to back down to Worf. ODO (with an edge) As Chief of Security, it's my duty to observe the inhabitants of this station. Since your arrival, you've transmitted an average of five messages a day to the Klingon Homeworld. None of which have gotten a response.