212:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/10/95 - ACT THREE 47. 62 CONTINUED: And with that they both drink deep from half-empty bottles of bloodwine, butt heads ferociously, and laugh out loud. They're both a little intoxicated, Huraga more so than Worf. HURAGA (having a great time) Your father and I used to sing that song when you were just a small boy. (a beat) Did I ever tell you how your father saved my family's honor during our bloodfeud with the House of Duras? WORF Many times. HURAGA It is a good story. WORF You tell it well. HURAGA Your father was a great warrior. My family owes him everything we have. I wish there was some way I could repay him. Worf gets serious and leans closer to Huraga. WORF There is. Tell me why the task force is here. The real reason, not the one Martok has given to the Federation. Huraga studies Worf for a second. He no longer seems quite as drunk as he did a minute ago. HURAGA The real reason? (a beat) I suppose you have the right to know. You are a Klingon warrior and it would be wrong to keep you away from battle. (smiles) And it's going to be a glorious battle.