90:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 08/01/95 - ACT THREE 45. 61 NEW ANGLE As Worf and Jadzia begin to fence. Worf is bigger and stronger, but Dax is faster and more maneuverable. They're much more evenly matched than Worf expected. She illustrates this by going on the offensive, executing a tricky combination that puts Worf off balance and almost scores a hit. DAX (still fighting) I hope you're not holding back because I'm a woman. If it makes things easier, think of me as a man. I have been one several times. As if in answer, Worf launches into an offensive combination of his own. Using his superior strength and size, he drives her back... Then sweeps her legs and brings her to the ground. WORF I see you haven't forgotten all that Curzon knew about the bat'leth.