DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 08/01/95 - ACT THREE 40. 52 CONTINUED: DAX It loses something in the translation. 53 NEW ANGLE On Drex, who is standing at the bar, yelling at a Ferengi waiter. DREX This bloodwine is cold. Drex hurls the cup of bloodwine against the wall. DREX Get me another. Worf steps up to Drex. WORF (not a question) You are Drex, son of Martok. DREX (condescending) That's right. WORF I am Worf, son of Mogh. Without warning, Worf hauls back and punches Drex in the face, knocking him back against the bar. Drex is stunned. He reaches to draw his knife, but before he can get it out, Worf hits him with a quick combination, and Drex falls to the ground, unconscious. The other Klingons aren't sure how to react, but when Worf snarls at them, they back off. Worf reaches down and takes Drex's dagger. He places the dagger in his belt and EXITS. 54 ANGLE ON KIRA, DAX, BASHIR, AND O'BRIEN Who have watched the preceding in amazement. Only Dax really understands what's going on. She smiles.